My Glasses Are Dirty
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15 (ESV)
At the ripe old age of 72, I still do not clean my glasses every day. I look at people and if they have spots on their faces, that is my cue. Michael even bought me a big box of Lens Wipes and I still don’t use them daily. They are so very easy. Tear at the dotted line. Unfold. Wipe. Throw it away.
What have I missed? My glasses aren’t dirty like car windows right now with all the salty slop that is being thrown up by the big trucks as they rush and pass me. I can still see everything but sometimes, it would be great to have an alarm that says, “Your glasses need cleaning!”
I wonder what other people think when they see me. Now, let’s turn that around; when I am talking to someone with smudged glasses, my judgement mode takes over. Wow! How can they not know they need to wash those things? In reality, we get used to smudges, wavey lines, smears, and crooked frames. So, from our perspective, these are just normal.
It reminds me a bit of sin! We get used to it and it becomes the standard for us. We can still identify people, places, and things, but there are spots on our lenses that damage our spiritual vision. If we don’t get them cleaned up and back on quickly, our relationship with Him becomes a bit blurry.
I can speak from firsthand experience. There was a period of my life when I did not see, think, or act clearly. I let my lenses get so dirty, I could visualize nothing. I got so lost—it was like doing life in braille. My dear mentor/friend asked me, “Can’t you see where you are headed?” With that one question, I made an about face. No, I couldn’t see where I was going but she loved me enough to call me on my lack of insight.
Each morning in my devotion time, I write the word Agenda and then follow it with “where will You lead me today?” I don’t always see things as He does. That is when I reach for the spiritual Lens Wipes.
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Holy Word. From childhood we’ve come to believe that Your Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. Please teach us to see clearly and willingly follow. AMEN.