Can You Hear It?
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27
There are just times when silence is what is needed most. I am very comfortable with silence until it is time to sleep and then I must have my noise (rain falling on a tin roof). For me, sleeping in total silence does not happen. I hear too much. With my imagination, little house sounds turn into hordes of mice raiding the kitchen.
I probably bother Michael as I call to him, “Come here and hear this!” When he gets to me, he’ll ask, “What am I listening for?” My response is usually the same on those dark nights when it’s snowing. “Silence! It’s the beautiful sound of silence.” The peacefulness I feel in my soul is something that I have a hard time describing. There are no car/truck sounds, no dogs barking, outside sounds, nothing but the silence. My mind can rest for a few moments.
Why do we crave quiet? Could it be that our ears, eyes, minds, souls need a time out. Our days are overload with songs on the radio, TV shows, conversations, cell phone noise, and all kinds of audio input. How do we escape, especially if we live in a town or city? Living in the rural hills of PA has its advantages.
In my own life, I find it challenging to talk with Him with outside noise clamoring for attention. Getting in the car and driving seems to settle me and my words and thoughts just flow. Of course, in the car, I’m faced with visuals—usually Hallmark kinds of scenery. Then I Praise Him and I’m grateful for what He created for me to see at that moment.
My life is much simpler than it used to be. No longer do I race from one activity to another, and I’ve actually learned to say “No!” But what does all that have to do with silence? Everything. I talk to Him more now than at any point in my life. He continues to lead me on my journey and He calmly holds my hand. Sometimes we just walk through the hours together and there is no need for any conversation. I smile and He knowingly nods.
Do we have to be old to desire some peace and quiet? The younger folks want it but can’t seem to make it happen (even by locking themselves in the bathroom). Perhaps when the children leave the nest and the grandkids have gone home after a weekend visit.
My suggestion: Make peace with the silence at any age.
Loving Father, thank You for knowing exactly what we need when we need it. Teach us to embrace those quiet moments. AMEN.