Kids Connect: Dec 2019


Preschool 3s, PreK, Kindergarten

The very first Christmas looked a lot different than the one we will experience over the next few weeks. It was a string of God planned events that would come together to create a wonderfilled story that would be told again and again and again. God sent His Son to earth in the form of a human baby who grew to be a man like no other. Ultimately, He gave His life for us.

This month, we celebrate the beautiful gift of Jesus. We want preschoolers to say again and again that, ‘God gave us Jesus.’

We want it to live deep within their hearts so they grow to trust that God loves them with a love so great that He gave them His one and only Son, Jesus, to be their friend forever.

May we all pause under our own starry, starry night this year and remember the wonder of what we are celebrating. God gave us Jesus.

Key Question: How do we know God loves us?

Bottom Line: God gave us Jesus.

Memory Verse: God has given a son to us. Isaiah 9:6, NCV


Grades 1-6

God is the source of our joy. Our circumstances might not always make us feel happy, but we can have joy knowing that God is in control. Through Jesus, God made a way for us to have a relationship with Him. Knowing Jesus can give us joy no matter what’s happening around us.

Core Insights: Joy

Bottom Lines:
Wk 1: You can have joy because God keeps his promises.
Wk 2: You can have joy because anything is possible with God.
Wk 3: You can have joy because God is with you.
Wk 4: You can have joy because God sent his only son.
Wk 5: You can find joy when you search for God.

Memory Verse: “Always be joyful because you belong to the Lord. I will say it again. Be joyful!” Phillipians 4:4 , NIRV

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Janet Hilsmier