Kids Connect: Jan 2020


Preschool 3s, PreK, Kindergarten

It’s time for a Beach Party—sand, sun, and a whole lot of fun! Our preschoolers learned that God gave us Jesus in December, and now they will learn that because Jesus is God’s Son, He can do anything! With God all things are possible! Throughout their lives, children will encounter things they can’t do. But, in Jesus, they have a friend who can do it all. There is no better friend than Jesus, and He wants to be our friend forever.

Key Question: Who can do anything?

Bottom Line: Jesus can do anything

Memory Verse: With God all thing are possible. Matthew 19:26, NIV


Grades 1-6

God is the author of knowledge. Everything we know to be true about the world is because of God. Knowing God is the most important Person to know. And while we may never know all there is to know about God, God gives us lots of ways we can know Him. We can know Him best through Jesus, who showed us how much God loves us. We can pursue knowing more about God through Jesus, who showed why knowledge is so important. The more we know God, the better we can live His way each day.

Core Insights: Joy

Bottom Lines:
Wk 1: Knowing God is the most important thing.
Wk 2: If you want to know God, start with Jesus.
Wk 3: Discovering what’s in the Bible can help you make the wise choice.
Wk 4: If you don’t understand something about God, ask.

Memory Verse: “The Lord gives wisdom. Knowledge and understanding come from his mouth.” Proverbs 2:6, NIRV

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Janet Hilsmier