Kids Connect: Mar 2020

Click the gear to launch our weekend video lessons!

Click the gear to launch our weekend video lessons!

Kids Connect @ Home!

Learning about God doesn’t have to stay at St James! Find some family-time on Saturday or Sunday and connect with our First Look and 252 Kids lessons. The video content here includes video lessons for Preschool (age 3-K), Elementary (1st-4th) and our Preteen (5th-6th) groups. The link will update next week to cover your second weekend at home as well.

In the meantime, get plenty of exercise and fresh air, and check out some great parenting articles on The Parent Cue!


Preschool 3s, PreK, Kindergarten

Following the leader is definitely something preschoolers love and understand. What they need to learn is that throughout life there will be countless choices of leaders they can follow. We want them to know who the best leader is to follow. And that is Jesus! Jesus is the best leader we can follow!

Key Question: Who can you follow?

Bottom Line: You can follow Jesus.

Memory Verse: Come and follow me. Matthew 4:19


Grades 1-6

Throughout the Bible, we can read about the importance of forgiveness. Right from the start, God made a way for Adam and Eve to have a relationship with Him again. The same is true for us. No matter how much we mess up, God will always make a way to forgive us. When it comes to forgiveness, we can also look to Jesus, who chose to forgive even those who were crucifying Him. Because of God’s amazing forgiveness, we should work hard to forgive others.

Core Insights: Forgiveness

Memory Verse: Put up with one another. Forgive one another if you are holding something against someone. Forgive, just as the Lord forgave you. Colossians 3:13, NIRV

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MonthlyJanet Hilsmier