Kids Connect @ Home

Kids Connect Cancelled 3-15 & 3-22

At St. James, our top priority is your health and well-being, as well as that of supporting the entire community. As such, we are adhering to state and county-wide recommendations for social distancing and will remain closed for the next 2 weeks.

Kids can still Connect at Home.


While our ministry cannot meet in the physical church, you can still engage your children in conversations that line up with our Kids Connect lessons. I am providing an online option for you and your families to stay consistent, until we are able to meet again.

What to do: Designate a time on this week to watch the video(s) with your children - there are 3 grade level options to choose. Talk about it afterward. Ask them questions about what they heard in the story. Can they teach you the lesson? This link will automatically update content next week to cover the 3/22 Sunday lessons too.

Ideas to Keep Busy

In the meantime, I hope you find opportunities to get outdoors with your kids. Ride bikes, go for a walk, set up some races, practice soccer skills, decorate the driveway with chalk, maybe start your spring gardening together.

Our parks and walking trails provide an excellent change of venue. While most of the area parks are open, as of Friday, March 13, the following state parks are closed to the public: Evansburg, Fort Washington and Norristown Farm Park. Most of our local trails remain open.


However you choose to spend these next 2 weeks, activity and fresh air are good for your immune system, reduces stress levels, increases patience and understanding, and helps to minimize the spread of infectious disease!

On behalf of our Kids Connect group leaders and the rest of the St. James church leadership, we pray that you remain safe and healthy.

Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

May God Bless You and Protect You. Love, Janet

Additional Resources for Parents:

  • Helping Kids Navigate Anxiety Podcast - In this episode, Sissy Goff, Director of Child and Adolescent Counseling at Daystar Counseling Ministries in Nashville, Tennessee, shares tools for leaders helping kids process anxiety.

  • Managing Fear and Anxiety During a Health Pandemic - a blog post for parents on managing anxiety during any number of life disruptions:

  • Anxiety Conversation Guides - Helping a child with anxiety is a challenge. Parents can download these age-appropriate resources to find tips and practical ways to help their children.