Kids Connect: Sept 2021

Preschool 3s, PreK, Kindergarten

Many of us remember a special toy or plush friend from our Toy Box that gave us comfort and companionship when we needed it. It’s part of growing up. We were made to want someone with us. And that Someone is Who we will be talking about this month. He is the only One who can truly always be with us.

We will say, “God is always with me.” No matter where they go or what they do God is always with them . . . and you.

Key Question: Who Is Always With You?

Bottom Line: God is always with me.

Memory Verse: We have the Lord our God to help us.” — 2 Chronicles 32:8, NLT


Grades 1-6

God took the initiative by sending Jesus to show us how much He loves us and fix the relationship between us. When we see a need and choose to do something about it, we reflect God’s image in us. Through our initiative, others can see the reality of God’s love for them.

Life App: Initiative

Memory Verse: Work at everything you do with all your heart. Work as if you were working for the Lord. — Colossians 3:23a, NIRV

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MonthlyJanet Hilsmier