Kids Connect Updates

Kids Connect Is Coming Back!

Click to enloarge this image.

Click to enloarge this image.

Kids Connect will be back in session starting Sunday, September 19 at the 10AM worship service. When you arrive, check them in at our Check-in station; a greeter will be there to assist and provide name tags.

Children will be in Kids Connect classrooms the entire time; they will not start in the worship space with parents. We’ll gather all children in Room 5, the first classroom on the left of the Check-In area.

We will be adjusting our room assignments and trying some fun new changes to our programming. Kids will sing songs and hear the weekly Bible story. Each story we share fits with the Monthly Life Application which we’ll explore through discussion and activities. We gather as a large group, but kids will have opportunities to work together in mixed-age groups and in age-similar groups.

Our Preschool/PreK kids will experience their own age-appropriate Bible lessons and activities.

Children may be picked up after worship. Please wait in the hallway outside the classrooms.

Our Hospitality hour begins right after worship, and all friends are welcome to Fellowship Hall (or outside as weather permits) for refreshments and conversation.

Masks are needed for kids >2 years of age.


Bibles for 4th & 3rd Graders!

Yes, a year without Kids Connect means we have Bibles for everyone who missed our annual gift last year!

All 4th and 3rd grade students will receive a Spark! Bible to use during their Kids Connect experience.

5th and 6th grade students are encouraged to bring Bibles to Kids Connect!


Holy Communion Classes

More details will be shared later, but if your 6th or 5th grade student has not received Holy Communion, we’ll offer classes in 2022 - see the Calendar link for classes and the day of 1st Holy Communion. (* Private lessons also available!)


Nursery Services

Nursery Service will be open on Sept 19th in Room 8. (See the floorplan image on this page.)

Check in babies/toddlers before worship and drop them off at Nursery either before or later during worship.

Parents are also welcome to stay in Nursery if detaching is not ideal for you and your child. We are working on providing the livestream worship service in the Nursery.

Click the link to open the calendar!

Click the link to open the calendar!

Kids Connect Calendar 2021 - 2022

Check out the activities and events we have planned for the new school year! Some of our favorites are coming back — and some will even get a revamp and new experience! Go ahead, mark your calendar NOW for some fun things this year and into the Spring and Summer! (Hint hint - plan to attend VBS!)

Great Ways to Connect & Serve!

Reopening Kids Connect after a long break means we can rethink what we're offering and change up our routines! We're building our Kids Connect leadership team which may include adults or teens! We're motivated and moving fast to make Kids Connect a great Sunday experience for kids. Join our team! If we have more leaders on our team, we can rotate Sundays served!

Nursery Services need support in that room as well. Send an email to Janet Hilsmier at or text 484-868-1295 if you would like to learn more about this opportunity! (Note: Clearances are needed for any adult who serves in Family Ministries!)

As of Sept. 19, the Children’s Message will no longer be delivered during worship services, nor will it be available through our livestream or pre-recorded YouTube programming.