Current Events in Family Ministry

Worship & Kids Connect
10AM All Summer
June through Labor Day

Dive into VBS this summer!

Say Yes! Serve @VBS!

We’re looking for just a few more people to help us at VBS this July! Can you help?

  • Crew Leader* — Adult or Sr High Student. Escorts a small group of children through each day’s lessons, encouraging their participation and ensuring their inclusion. NEED 2

  • Assistant Crew Leader — Middle School and High School Students (or adults*). NEED 4

  • Welcome Team — Monday and Tuesday only from 5:40-6:15PM. Welcomes families, provides nametags on the first day, directs children to their assigned crew. NEED 1-3 people

  • Dismissal Team — 8:00-8:40PM. Welcomes parents into the Sanctuary for ending session and pickup. Will assist us with an orderly and safe match up of parent to children at the end of the night. Need 2

*Adult Crew Leaders must have Clearances on file at St James or St Luke’s.


Questions? Need more information? Would you like to receive a monthly email that the blog has been updated? Send me an email!

Janet Hilsmier