Kids Connect: Summer 2024

All Grades

Kids Connect classes will be held in Room 6 (the big kid elementary room) throughout the summer for preschool through grade 6 students. We’ll keep it light and interactive for all ages. See you soon!

Choose joy! This may be a commonly used phrase you’ve heard, but what does it actually mean? Joy is more than being excited about the good things that happen to us. Joy is an attitude—a decision to trust God no matter what is going on in our lives. From the very beginning, God had a plan for the world. As we dive into the Bible, we’ll discover God’s plan for us and how God has been at work through it all. When we see and celebrate what God is doing, we can find true joy!

Virtue: Joy — Choosing to celebrate what God is doing.

Memory Verse: “A cheerful heart makes you healthy, but a broken spirit dries you up.” Proverbs 17:22 NIRV


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Janet Hilsmier