Current Events in Family Ministry

Worship & Kids Connect
10AM All Summer
June through Labor Day

Join us for worship and a celebration! Our 2nd year confirmands will be affirming their baptism on June 2 at 10am. Hospitality celebration to follow in Fellowship Hall.

Dive into VBS this summer!

Vacation Bible School at St James will be July 8-11 for kids age 4 through 5th Grade from 6:00-8:30pm. Registration is open!! Don’t forget to invite your friends and family!

Say Yes! Serve @VBS!

Where do your gifts fit? Volunteer positions and descriptions are available in our registration system, see Janet Hilsmier for information. We hope you’ll join us.


Questions? Need more information? Would you like to receive a monthly email that the blog has been updated? Send me an email!

Janet Hilsmier