Youth News: Dec 14
Youth Group Meets Sunday 12-18
Christmas Eve Worship
This year’s youth-led worship service will be held at 9PM on Christmas Eve. We enthusiastically invite all of our confirmands and Sr high youth to participate in this annual event! Many parts of the service are led by youth including readings, sermon skits, usher and Communion assistants. It’s truly a special way to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus and makes lasting memories for youth and their families.
First rehearsal is on Sunday 12/18 (includes a Christmas celebration) from 5:30-8.
Second rehearsal is on Saturday 12/24 10 am - 12 pm.
Christmas Eve arrive between 8 and 8:40 for time for final rehearsals, costuming etc.
We need to know which teens will be participating in the service so that we can plan accordingly. Please contact Bobbie Hoffman or Janet Hilsmier with acceptances or rejections ASAP.
These script and worship roles have been assigned based on feedback from our last meeting. Feel free to read through the scrips provided if you took them home. We can make changes as needed at the 12/18 meeting.
Sermon Skit
Tori - Narrator 1 + Sparrow
Nadia - Narrator 2 + Sheep
Lexi - Narrator 3 + Chicken
Jenna - Sheep + Chicken
Chris - Goat + Donkey
Brady - Horse + Goat
Mike - Cow + Horse
Colby - Joseph
Kinley - Cow + Mary
Ryan & John - currently not assigned speaking parts, but there are some available
Ushers - Colby, Ryan, John, Mike
Prayer of the Day - Mike
Readers - Lexi, Brady
Start the Creed - Nadia
Communion Assistants - Jenna, Chris
Prayers - Tori
Benediction - Kinley
Mission Trip with Appalachia Service Project
There’s still time to join the team! We have our 4 “veteran” youth returning for another summer of service and we’d love to include more youth! Please consider this great opportunity for your sons/daughters. We also have a team of skilled adults who are prepared to join us on our adventure! This is a great experience serving others and learning new skills. Once we have commitments, we’ll be able to provide links for registration and plan additional meetings to prepare.
Travel dates: July 16-22.
For youth ages 13 (8th Grade) and older.
Adults are welcome.
Costs and Commitments:
$100 deposit via check or through the online giving, select “Mission Trip Payments” in the drop-down by January 15.
Estimated cost of trip $650, but the church and fundraising cover 2/3 of the cost
NO students will be turned away from this event due to financial challenges, please contact us.
Sign up to be a chaperone and all your fees are waived!
Contact Janet or Bobbie for more details.
March 11-12, 2023
Once again, St James will be hosting this synod-wide youth event! Stay tuned for registration and details to be provided this January!
Look Ahead…
These and future dates are also available on the Church App Youth/Kids calendar and the church website.
1/8/23 4:30pm Confirmation
1/15/23 Sr High Youth
Youth Ministry programs at St James are available for all students grades 7 through 12. Youth Min includes Confirmation classes, Senior High group meetings and a variety of “all youth” events focusing on service, social and faith-building activities.