Youth News: Oct 26, 2023
You Are Loved
Maybe you hear this frequently. Maybe you don’t.
Are you a parent of a teen? You are loved.
Are you a teen? You are loved.
Scripture tells us that there is nothing we can do to separate ourselves from the love of God. This holds true at your church home as well! You are prayed for. You are missed. You are welcome! You are loved.
Sunday Nov 5: Philly Soft Pretzels for Sale
We’re looking for families to help us sell soft pretzels on Communion Sunday each month through May. This is a once and done opportunity! Pretzels will be sold after the 10AM Communion Service which is on the first Sunday of each month. (November, December, February, March, April, May) Please contact Janet Hilsmier ( or 484.868.1295 to pick your month.
Proceeds benefit the Senior Scholarship Fund which is awarded to graduating High School Seniors. Applications are released each Spring.
Youth-led Christmas at St James
We love our tradition of hosting a youth-led worship service on Christmas Eve. This service empowers young people to lead their families and friends in a special worship service including a creative telling of the Christmas Story, leading music and prayers and serving as ushers, greeters and Communion assistants.
In order to maintain this tradition, I'm inviting all youth in middle and high school to serve! Please consider signing up to participate in this annual tradition. The service will be held at 9PM on Christmas Eve.
Our first meeting will be held on one of these dates. Please choose which date works best for you/your teen(s) by clicking the email link; I will pick the date of majority:
Sunday 11/19 1-3PM << I can come this day
Saturday 11/25 1-3PM. << I can come this day
Or, text Janet at 484-868-1295.
In addition to discussing our worship service, we will also be decorating the large Christmas tree that is displayed in the Sanctuary. A youth-decorated tree is also a long-standing tradition at St James and we love to encourage this continued practice.
ELCA Youth Gathering ‘24!
Early Bird registration closed, but we’re still accepting registration for the ELCA Youth Gathering ‘24 in New Orleans! This event is for youth currently in 8th through 12th grade. Opportunities to go early to the MYLE, multi-cultural youth event and the tAble are also available. The ELCA also hosts its first annual Young Adult Gathering the same time/same week. Let’s get you there!
We’re coordinating a traveling cohort with youth and leaders from a few area churches to make a meaningful large group experience. Check out the details on our Youth page and touch base with Janet Hilsmier to discuss your commitment.
Youth Registration Form ($350 due now; final payment in January)
Adult Chaperone Registration Form (no deposit needed)
Confirmation Classes
11/12 at 1:30-3:30pm at St Luke’s - Obelisk
11/26 at 1:30-3:30pm at New Hanover Lutheran
Advent Craft Expo
Save the dates: November 26, December 3, 10 and 17. We’ll be hosting our annual make-and-take craft event after worship. I’m looking for extra helpers to assist with teaching others how to make their crafts. No need to sign up, just show up!! We’ll make 4 projects each week (sometimes we set out leftovers from the week prior, so the final Sunday usually has a lot of variety.) This is a great service opportunity for Confirmands!
Get the app!
Download the St James Church app and access all youth events from the Youth/Kids calendar!
Look Ahead…
These and future dates are also available on the Church App Youth/Kids calendar and the church website.
10/29 Trunk or Treat 4-6pm
11/5 Youth Group 7pm at Grace Lutheran, Rofo
11/12 Confirmation 1:30-3:30pm
11/26 Confirmation 1:30-3:30pm
Youth Ministry programs at St James are available for all students grades 7 through 12.