Youth News: April 30 2024
Box City 2024 Recap
Our first offsite Box City was a hit! Here are some quick stats about our attendance and the various forms of outreach/service performed by our participants:
5 participating churches: 37 youth and 28 adults
10+ quarts of extra soup donated to God's Kitchen in Pottstown
144 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches made for the Bread Drop Food Program
127 snack bags made for The Welcome Church
$3267 raised for Pottstown Beacon of Hope (updated after the above graphic was created)
The youth also created social justice themed art projects, which will be on display at the ELCA Southeastern PA Synod Assembly on May 2, 3 for rostered synod and church delegates to see.
Thank you for your support of this program. We look forward to next year’s Box City event!
Confirmation Classes
Congratulations & thank you for making it a great year! Be on the lookout for a Signup for our Confirmation dinner on May 18 at New Hanover Lutheran. This event is for ALL students in the program AND their families.
Confirmation Celebration
June 2nd at 10AM
Anya Castner
Kinley Seislove
Tommy Winters
Graduating Senior Celebration
June 9 at 10AM
Lexi Gubanich
Brady Seislove
Join us at VBS this Summer!
July 8-11 6-8:30pm
Registration is open to participate in our summer Vacation Bible School. We have opportunities for youth and adults to participate as Program Leaders, Skit Actors, Crew Leaders and assistant leaders in all areas. The past 3 summers we had >15 youth engaged in teaching, encouraging and playing with the children who attended. It’s a great way to practice leadership, communication and presentation skills. (NHS and JrNHS students can record service hours and it looks great on job and college applications!)
We’d love to have you and your friends join us again! We’d love to help you find your fit! Descriptions of the available positions are in the VBS Online Registration system or you can reach out to Janet Hilsmier directly. There’s also plenty of prop building and set decorating to do in advance, and we’d love help with that as well! Come on, join us!