Youth News: June 2024
Summer Worship Time 10AM through Sep 1
Registration is open to participate in our summer vacation Bible school. We have opportunities for youth and adults to participate as Program Leaders, Skit Actors, Crew Leaders and assistant leaders in all areas. The past 2 summers we had 15 youth engaged in teaching, encouraging and playing with the children who attended. It’s a great way to practice leadership, communication and presentation skills. (NHS and JrNHS students can record service hours and it looks great on job and college applications!)
We’d love to have you and your friends join us again! We’d love to help you find your fit! Descriptions of the available positions are in the VBS Online Registration system or you can reach out to Janet Hilsmier directly. There’s also plenty of building and stage decorating to do in advance, and we’d love help with that as well! Come on, join us!
The next Gathering will be held in July 2027 for students in grades 8 through 12. This can be a life changing event for many youth! Please start praying for our next group of eligible youth!