The Prayer of Jabez by Anonymous

1 Chronicles 4:10 “Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my border, and that your hand might be with me, and that you would keep me from hurt and harm! And God granted what he asked.”

 Jabez was such a “gutsy guy”! He had the courage to boldly ask God to increase his borders not knowing how far those borders would be widened! Jabez was willing to serve God in unknown territory trusting that if God answered his prayer and opened the border of his ministry that God would also protect him from harm and would provide all that he needed to survive and serve Him. It is a challenge to ask God to increase our borders, moving us into uncomfortable areas, out of that comfort zone, beyond our borders. Yet as God increases our borders and gives us more opportunities to reach others with His love, He promises that he will equip us to serve as a true witness of Christ’s love to the world. Are you willing to be “gutsy” today …to step out of your comfort zone and ask God to increase your borders so that you can serve Him in new territory? Accept the challenge as Jabez did and ask the Lord to use you, to bless you and bless others through you as you serve Him!

God, You go before us to prepare the way, Your hand is on us to protect us and Your Spirit is within us to empower us. Thank You Good and Gracious God! Amen.

Here I am Lord

Bobbie Hoffman