Peach Cobbler

Early in the morning, as Jesus was on his way back to the city, he was hungry. Seeing a fig tree by the road, he went up to it but found nothing on it except leaves… Matthew 21:18-19 (NIV)

Fruit trees are amazing, especially raising them from little seedlings. Back on the farm, we had apple trees in the orchard. My grandfather planted them and they were his pride and joy. He took good care of them and his law stated: No foot should ever leave the ground around his trees. (And so it was!) Those apples were the best. Karen Sargent (Mornings with Jesus) shares some insight about her little peach tree.


My husband planted a new peach tree near the pond behind our house. Unlike apple or pear trees, peach trees self-pollinate. It will produce fruit on its own in a few years when it’s mature. Hopefully it will be more fruitful than the tree it replaced.

Each spring, our original peach tree sprouted a ball of green leaves, but it didn’t produce the luscious fruit we hoped for. I gave up on making homemade peach cobbler from its bounty. Then, one summer morning, I spotted a new color mingled with its green leaves. Six round beautiful peaches. Finally, we had fruit! But the next year the tree was barren, and the following year it died.

That peach tree reminds me of the leafy fig Jesus encountered. Because a fig tree produces figs first and then leaves, Jesus expected to find breakfast among the foliage, but the tree was fruitless. Jesus cursed the tree and it withered from the roots up.

This illustration challenges me to inspect my own branches. Do my words and actions make false promises? Am I producing fruit or just a bunch of leaves? Are my roots being nourished in the Word? Am I spending enough time in prayer? I want to make sure my life produces fruit that will last (John 15:16). While I’m waiting for cobbler from homegrown peaches, the fruit I bear in my life is ripe and ready to share now.

FAITH STEP: Each time you enjoy your favorite fruit, remind yourself to do a spiritual fruit inspection.

I Wanna Bear Fruit

Loving Lord, thank You for Your patience. You never give up on us even when our hearts lay dormant. Help us to produce more beautiful fruits for You. AMEN.

Mo Haner