Crown Him with Many Crowns

…and on His head are many crowns… Revelation 19:12

If anyone but God had written this story, the writer might have been stashed away in a locked room with a snug little white jacket. On the other hand, we believe the crucifixion and resurrection to be absolutely true. There still might be a few questions about all this—well, at least I have a few.

What are all those crowns? We sing the hymn, Crown Him with Many Crowns (please listen now). We know phrases and words and can sing this song without looking at the music. All that is good but there has to be more. It can’t stop there!

 Have you ever thought about the crowns? Surely, the crown of thorns was once one of them but that was then and this is now.

He is crowned LORD of lords and KING of kings! He is the Lamb upon the Throne. What does that actually mean? Those crowns are certainly not something purchased with money. Imagine the cost! Well, we know the cost and what He paid—higher than any dollar amount.

He wears so many crowns! Where do they all come from? Well, I suspect when we pass into His Presence, we will have a crown. But what are we going to do with a crown? Nothing—except lay it at His feet and call Him the Lord of Life, Lord of Love and many more titles.

Our living Lord died for you and me. Did He want to do that? Probably not, but He knew that was His purpose. He could have called down ten thousand angels who stood on alert to serve Him but the ending of the story would have been far different for us.

So today, we rejoice with the saints and angels as we celebrate our King! He didn’t stay in any dark, dingy tomb! He ripped the gates of hell off their hinges. He turned BC into AD. Wow, what a day that must have been! He is worthy of all the crowns and more.

Joy is here today because Jesus is here, alive and well—and I think I see a crown!

Gracious Lord, thank You sending Your Son, Jesus! You have so many different titles in our lives and all of them are because of Your love. Help us to carry the joy for the rest of our lives.  AMEN.

Mo Haner