HE Knows Me

I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me. John 10:14 (NIV)

Sheep are uniquely beautiful. Using the wool to spin yarn for a cozy sweater is the epitome of resourcefulness—at least to me. I have only owned one sweater during my lifetime where I selected the sheep, they sheered it and then the guy knitted the most gorgeous piece ever! It was lovely, soft, and stylish. Suzanne Davenport Tietjen (Mornings with Jesus) shares her own experience with a knitting project.


I washed yarn from long ago today—wool from one of our flock that I’d spun in grease, full of lanolin. Most of the lanolin had drained away, but some remained, leaving a sweet scent and softness behind.

This is #208’s yarn, according to the index card in the bag. I’d forgotten to record the sheep’s name alongside her number. That disappoints me.

We enjoyed naming our lambs. Many recognized their names and came when called. We had naming themes, like flowers, games, or colors, for the lambs born that year. I knew my sheep by name and remembered their individual stories that way—certainly not by number alone. Our registry book listing names beside numbers was lost during our move, so I can’t look up #208’s name.

Her wool is unusually lovely, a soft, deep brown with no sheen at all. Like a black hole, the yarn absorbs every bit of the light that touches it, reflecting nothing back. Her scent on my fingers today, these many years.

Even thought I am curious about her name, I don’t need to know who grew this wool. Being anonymous doesn’t lessen the worth of the wool that will edge the shawl I’m knitting.

But it’s different with the Good Shepherd. No one is anonymous. Jesus never forgets any of us, including me. He calls me by name. He forgives me by name. And He will welcome me to eternity by name. Because He is my Shepherd, I listen to Him and give off His scent.

FAITH STEP: Sing “I Am Jesus’ Little Lamb” to end your time with Jesus.

I Am Jesus’ Little Lamb

Gracious Father, thank You for Your daily provisions. It is such a comfort to realize You know and forgive us by name. Please teach us how to give off Your fragrance to everyone we meet. AMEN.

Mo Haner