Real Life Drama

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12 (NIV)

He gently shook my shoulder to awaken me.  “I’m going to the Williamsport ER!”

“What? Wait…what’s wrong?”

“My belly is on fire!”

“Let me drive you.”

“No, you are subbing today. I’ll get there myself. I’ll keep you posted.”

Against my better judgement, I let him leave without me. At 2am, It was not worth having words because he had already made up his mind. Thankfully his son, Andrew and family, live in Williamsport and that was my first call. The second was a text to the school to let them know I would not be subbing.

I am not alone when I say that these situations are stressful; making us feel helpless. But are we truly helpless?

We have a Healer, Rock, Refuge, and loving Father who stands poised and ready to hear our prayers. Oh, did I forget to say that the very first thing I did was call out to Jesus on Michael’s behalf?  As he backed out of the driveway, I was rather bold and loud about my requests for healing and safe travels.

He arrived safely and his son was there.

The question of ‘what should I do?’ never crossed my mind. I knew the situation was out of my control from the get-go. That does not mean that I did not have some emotional reactions. I immediately started the what-if game in my mind. There was even a brief thought about….

The waiting is difficult but God’s Word says to be patient. So, I am currently working on that. It is now 3:37am. I have not heard anything but I know he is in good hands.

In times like these, we are faced with two decisions—either we fall apart or buckle up; letting God do His work and accepting the ultimate outcome. I’ll take the scenic ride.

We will be having a conversation later about why he would think that I would ever choose subbing over being with him in his time of need. Is that a man thing?

After lab work, heart monitoring and a CAT scan, they are still scratching their heads at 6:09am.

The outcome: We left the hospital about 3pm and headed home with a diagnosis of hiatal hernia and possible pectic ulcer beginning.

God blessed us today. There were others who did not receive a positive report and our hearts and prayers go out to them.

Just another real life drama!


Father, thank You for walking through this day with us. Indeed, You are our Rock and Anchor when the seas threaten storms. You are our Fortress and everything we need. AMEN.

Mo Haner