Answered Prayer

And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

I have prayed every single time we have taken a ride in the country: “Lord, please let me see a mama bear and two cubs.” Perhaps that sounds strange to you, but seeing a bear in the wild here in Tioga County, PA, is worthy of excitement.   

Going home disappointed each time was a bummer. But I always had hope that it would happen the next time. That’s what hope does for us—it keeps us moving forward with anticipation.

Well, one afternoon a few weeks ago, we were headed home. I told Michael, “Let’s take that road because I want to see a bear.” He did. We hadn’t gone far when I again prayed to just see a mama and two babies. Slowing the car, I was able to focus in the woods.

Guess what, it was a mama and three cubs. The adrenaline raced through me and I became totally aware that He had answered my prayer plus some. The cubs practiced their climbing skills under mama’s watchful eye. Finally, they went down deeper into the woods out of my sight.

Later that evening, I thought about what had just happened.

ME: Jesus, thank You for the bears.

JESUS: You are welcome.

ME: I only asked for two cubs but You gave me three.

JESUS: Yes. I have heard your prayers and I want you to know (Chuckling…then silence) …that I am working in Russia, Ukraine, China, Japan, around the world, and your own America. There are some serious issues, lives to save, people to protect, mouths to feed and people to comfort. But I did hear your prayer. Maybe that will keep you for a while.

ME: I know there are more important prayers than mine. You do have Your priorities and I thank You for answering my tiny, little request.

JESUS: My child, in the midst of the world’s turmoil and chaos, I hear every single prayer that is uttered.

ME: Oh dear! Mine was selfish and I’m so sorry.

JESUS: Yours was a joy to answer.

ME: Well, I am grateful. …Jesus, I have one more little question.


ME: Hhmmm…I was just wondering if mama bears can have four cubs?

JESUS: (Loud laughter)

ME: (Skeptical laughing) Ahhh…forget it.

God Answers My Prayers

Mo Haner