How Quickly it Flies

So teach us to count our days that we may gain a wise heart. Psalm 90:12

Heavenly Father,

As the days swiftly pass and we find ourselves at the end of July, we are reminded of the precious gift of time that You have bestowed upon us. We stand in awe of how quickly the days and months slip by, a testament to the fleeting nature of our earthly journey.

Lord, help us to recognize each day as a divine blessing, an opportunity to live fully in Your grace and to embrace every moment with purpose. Teach us to cherish the present, to make the most of each day as a gift from Your loving hand.

Grant us wisdom to use our time wisely, to seek Your will in all that we do, and to be mindful of the impact our actions have on others. Inspire us to live with intention and to serve You wholeheartedly in every moment.

As we look back on the past months and forward to the days ahead, may we be grateful for Your constant presence and guidance. Help us to reflect Your love and light in all our endeavors and to find joy in the simple blessings of each day.

In the holy name of Jesus we pray, Amen.


Bobbie Hoffman