How Far Away Is Hope?

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. Romans 15:13

Hope shows up unannounced!

It finds a way into our fractured lives on the wings of the Holy Spirit. When our hearts are heavy, our chins are lifted in a gentle upward motion so we can gaze into the heavens.

If our health has been assaulted, (whether terminal, temporary, or chronic); hope gives us strength to endure each day and even consider it a blessing.

Should there be a lack of money in the bank account to pay hundreds of dollars of debts; hope tells us that God is faithful. He nudges hope into our hearts.

Because we made a wrong turn from the main road, we are utterly lost in the mountains without cell service available; at our bidding, hope comes alive and calms our terrified minds.

For the single person who desires the right spouse and is tired of being lonely, longing to be loved and held; hope knocks at the door of the heart.

When the loss of a loved one seems overwhelming, and our internal compass appears to have shattered; hope beckons us to keep breathing and move forward.

Against all odds, we face a battle that seems impossible to win—at least in our earthly minds; hope waves us on! (For we all know that the battle belongs to the Lord.)

This is not just a word. Hope is a feeling or desire, a voice that we can hear in our mind, a heartbeat, or even marching orders that encourage us to keep going forward.

As individuals, we can each define hope in various ways but it does exist! How do we get it?  During my seven decades, I have had to call out many times. There have also been other times when I found it was already beside me—like a best friend.

 My own personal belief is that hope lingers within the presence of the Holy Spirit who was sent by Jesus Christ. All we must do is desire and ask for it. So, if the Holy Spirit lives within us, that would mean that hope is also indwelling.

Therefore, hope has a name. His name is Jesus!

Hope Has a Name

Father of Hope, thank You for Your presence in our lives. Your Love surrounds us and offers us life. Please help us to joyfully recognize Your Presence and abound in hope. AMEN.

Mo Haner