Don’t Need It!

And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

ME: Oh Jesus, I think I have made a big mistake!

JESUS: Which one are you talking about?

ME: Well, it’s August and I have not pulled my summer bins out yet. They are full of all the light-weight clothes and shoes that I wore for the last few years. It don’t need them.

JESUS: So, what have you learned from this amazing discovery?

ME: I spent too much money on clothes. It was money I could have put into savings or given to a worthy cause. Wow, I feel…sort of embarrassed.

JESUS: Confession is always good. It clears the air and often changes your perspective.

ME: Ah, wait,…what did You mean when You said, “Which one?” Are there more?

JESUS: Of course, but you have not realized them yet.

ME: Oh no! I’m so sorry. Please forgive me—even if I don’t know what they are.

JESUS: You can relax now. You will recall them in due time. The Holy Spirit will tweak your conscience as circumstances arise.

ME: Are You sure I’ll recognize them?

JESUS: (chuckling) Yes, My child, you will.

ME: How many years ago? Or are we talking days or hours?

JESUS: Did you not hear Me? Just relax.

ME: I do try to live for You but sometimes I miss the mark and I lose control. Are You upset with me?

JESUS: Upset? Angry? No, perhaps I am sometimes disappointed, but My grace and unconditional love covers your blunders.

ME: I don’t want You to be upset with me! What can I do to make things better?

JESUS: Well, spending more time with Me will help. When you choose to come into My Presence, it is there that you will learn My expectations. It is in these conversations that your heart softens, and your ears hear My words. Being is My Presence is full of abundant blessings, strength, and encouragement. You, My child, need them all.

ME: I need You—not material things. But it’s so hard not to look around at others and compare. Yet I know that makes me feel uneasy.

JESUS: You need Me. With Me, I will provide for all Your needs and maybe even a few of your wants.

ME: Okay…but do You know my favorite colors and size?

JESUS: (a long sigh…)

We All Need Jesus

Mo Haner