Choose Joy

I have told you this so that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. John (15:11)

I used to love Winnie-the Pooh books when I was younger. Do you remember Eeyore and Tigger? For Eeyore, no matter what amazing circumstance came his way, doom and gloom remained his focus. For Tigger, bouncing through life without a care in the world, he never even recognized when things went wrong. In our lives, it can be easy to feel like Eeyore while wishing we could be more like Tigger. These are two quite extreme viewpoints of life.

Our lives are full of complicated issues and there are so many frightening world events, perhaps the illustration of Eeyore and Tigger is absolutely too simplistic. We can’t go through life ignoring the real pain of others. We also can’t give in to a hopeless, joyless existence. While we weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice, most of all, we cling to Jesus Christ.

The joy we find in a life of faith is not simply overcoming our inner Eeyore. It is also not strolling through life in ignorant bliss; rather, it is to be found in facing each day’s ups and downs through the contentment, comfort and real presence Christ offers.

Joy is not dependent on circumstances; Jesus Christ has given it to us and promised, “No one will take away your joy” (John 16:22). Ironically, it can become strongest when trouble comes. A long time ago, a dear friend suffered with a debilitating chronic illness. She had many physical limitations and a great deal of pain and yet was filled with joy.

One day I asked her how she could be so joyful. She told me that every day she did three things that determined her attitude. First, she counted her blessings daily. She gave thanks for everything she could think of - from the smell of coffee brewing to the love of her family. Second, she prayed for others. She prayed for family and friends, our congregation and areas of the world where people were suffering. The third thing she did daily was to choose to be joyful! She said, “Joy is a gift of the Holy Spirit that I have been given, I just need to remember I have it and ask God to help me live into it.”

Dear Lord Jesus, help us remember Your gift of Joy! Every day may we choose to live more fully into it, even as we pray for this world so in need of You.  Amen.

O God, My Joy

Bobbie Hoffman