Safe In His Arms

Jesus said to the centurion, “Go! Let it be done just as you believed it would.” And his servant was healed at that moment. Matthew 8:13

I was asked to officiate at a funeral for a young man (age 37) who had died from a fentanyl overdose. He had been living on the street for years and was addicted to some pretty strong drugs. He also visited our church during the week and came for most of the worship services. When he wasn’t high, he could carry on great conversations, and I learned so much of his story. Regardless of his state of mind, he had a phrase that he often used, and I repeated it at his funeral. He would say, “I am always safe in the arms of Jesus.” Regardless of what was going on in his life, he had faith, knowing that Jesus offers grace.

In our Bible reading today, a Roman centurion also had faith in Jesus. And even though Jesus offered to go to the man’s home, the centurion said that he knew Jesus could heal his servant by just saying the word—and that’s how the servant was healed. He knew that his servant was safe in the arms of Jesus, even from a distance. And Jesus praised the centurion for having more faith than anyone he had encountered in his ministry.

We too can have faith enough to ask Jesus for all we need. He is willing to come and help, regardless of where we are and what we need. In fact, he promises that he is always with us (Matthew 28:20), so we can trust that we are always safe in his arms.

Lord Jesus, help us to reach out in faith for your grace and help. Thank you that you listen and answer. Amen.

A Devotion by Pastor Beth Fellinger

Leaning On The Everlasting Arms

Bobbie Hoffman