
Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus Philippians 2:5 (ESV)

My mother did not have a filter. She said whatever she was thinking which often led to hurt feelings, family rifts, and uncomfortable situations. Here is a good example: When my daughter, Bevin, was very young, mom looked at a picture of the rather chubby little girl and commented, “I sure hope she isn’t going to grow up and be fat like you.” It’s difficult to forget something like that.

For all her faults, she had a servant’s heart and deeply cared for others—especially the elderly. However, along the way, she would drop these unfiltered bombs which led people to shy away from her lest they walked away battered and bruised by her words.

There have been people in my life who dropped the masked filter, and their conversations were Godly, positive, and time spent with them filled me with joy. But they are truly few and far between.

Currently, I have an unfiltered relationship that I cherish. We can talk about anything and everything with total honesty. Knowing that our special bond is anchored in Jesus, we laugh until the tears roll down our cheeks, and we speak about what He must think of our conversations with Him. We laugh with a joy that is hard to define.

Who is your unfiltered friend? Hopefully, you have one. This is the person (not your spouse) who attentively listens to your soapbox issues and tells you to cool your jets. Be grateful for the person who takes your hand and yanks you through the narrow passage when you say, “I can’t do this!” They say, “Yes, you can…and you will!” Rejoice for that person who enters your hospital room the day after surgery and says, “Wow! I love you, but you look awful!” You laugh even though it hurts because this is an unfiltered friendship.

Unfiltered friendships remain God focused. When He is in the center of our conversations, all is well; even when the truthful words are a bit painful to hear. We can talk and pray at length because the time switch is turned off. She is more important than my agenda.

God puts all kinds of people in our lives. I am most grateful for unfiltered friendships because I recognize these people as a beautiful gift, and they are a true blessing.

What a Friend

Loving Lord, thank You for giving us unfiltered friendships. Teach us to recognize their worth and to treat them as a valued prize. Help us to pull down our filter with You. AMEN.

Mo Haner