
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. John 14:27

When it comes to Jesus, are we truly conscious of Him? Are we mindful of His Presence? We need to know more than just information! Knowing Him is as important as breathing. Sarah Young (Jesus Listens) shares a heart-felt prayer for today.


Jesus, my good Shepherd,

I want You to be my primary Focus. You are all around me—constantly aware of me—of every thought and prayer. Many, many things vie for my attention, but I must not let them crowd You out. Directing my mind toward You requires very little energy, yet it blesses me immensely. The more I focus on You, the more fully You live in me and work through me.

Help me remember that You are with me each moment of my life, watching over me with perfect Love. Your Word teaches that Your unfailing Love surrounds the one who trusts in You. You’ve been training me to be increasingly aware of Your loving Presence, even when other things demand my attention.

Lord, You are the constant in my life that provides stability and direction in an unpredictable environment. You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. So, You’re the perfect fixed point for me to focus on while making my way through this ever-changing world. As I keep redirecting my thought to You, please show me the way forward—and give me Your peace.

In Your steadfast Name,


John 10:11     Psalm 32:10

Hebrews 13:8     John 14:27


What a Beautiful Name

Mo Haner