Take Courage

Take Courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid! Matthew 14:27

ME: Jesus, life seems overwhelming to me right now! There is so much going on, choices to make, people to pray for, and well, my list is very long.

JESUS: I know you have been told that there will times of trial.

ME: Yes, but I guess I didn’t expect it all at once. I feel like someone backed up a dump truck of troubles and cut loose.

JESUS: I know that listening for My voice when you are feeling this kind of stress requires discipline and trust. Do you trust Me?

ME: With most things, yes! There are still some areas that are questionable.

JESUS: Hence your stress!

ME: Oh Jesus, when my mind is rolling around like a pinball machine, I find it almost impossible to hear Your gentle whisper and yet, I know You are speaking to me.

JESUS: Precious child, I am your Prince of Peace. Not only am I with you but I am also in your circumstances. I am in control of everything that happens to you.

ME: I know these things. But I still feel conflicted and overcome. I do find comfort in the Holy Spirit who calms my mind when I ask. He brings me encouragement to know that things are not always going to be like this.

JESUS: By now you know that I am not the author of evil. I am able to take bad situations and use them for good.

ME: I know that. But I also know that what You don’t always remove my suffering.

JESUS: True, but I do redeem it and I infuse it with meaning.

ME: So, Jesus, when I’m in a storm with multiple difficulties, how will I ever hear Your voice telling me, “Take courage! It is I.” You had to prove it to Your disciples. Peter had to step out of the boat to really believe.

JESUS: In your so-called storms, what do you look for? Where is your focus?

ME: I guess I am looking for a safe place.

JESUS: What; does that look like?

ME: Ahhh…well…I’m not sure.

JESUS: Try using more trust. Search for signs of My abiding Presence in your storms.

ME: I remember that verse in Jeremiah 29:13 that says, “I will seek You and find You when I search for You with all my heart.” Right?

JESUS: I’ll tell Peter you send your regards.

ME: Okay! …Wait, what???

Come to Me Over the Water, Peter

Mo Johnston with Sarah Young

Mo Haner