Youth News: March 31

So Much to Look Forward to!

Senior High Youth meets this Sunday!

5:30pm - 8:00pm — Send us a text to the Youth Group chat that you’re coming! Dinner is included; please let us know what you might bring.

Text your answer… What’s your favorite board or card game?

Confirmation Classes: April 23, May 14 and 28.

ASP Mission Trip

Next meeting is April 30 at 5pm; dinner is provided!


Our 2nd year confirmands will celebrate with a Pot Luck Dinner June 3 and Celebration Service June 4. All confirmands (second year and first year) are encouraged to attend these special celebrations.

Graduating Class of 2023

Celebration Service is June 11. Scholarship applications are due May 31. All Youth are encouraged to come and celebrate with our seniors!

Vacation Bible School

VBS will be hosted July 10-13 from 6-8:30pm. Registration for volunteers opens on April 1 -this weekend! Be sure to help us shine Jesus’ light to children!

Thank You! Great Job! Well Done!!

Box City ‘23

It was worth the wait! Box City ‘23 was a fantastic event and we’re super happy for the youth who participated in the event. We hosted guest speakers from Pottstown Beacon of Hope and the Spring-Ford School District Safety Department. During the event, youth participated in a group art project, creating a painted canvas with the phrase “Hope lives here”; this canvas will be given to the Pottstown Beacon of Hope organization for their shelter. Donations and sponsorships for the event raised close to $2,000 for PBOH! Well done!

The Hoagie Sale!

We sold >60 sandwiches and raised over $300 for our ASP Mission Trip.

Easter Egg Hunt at Home Update

Great job! We’re set to deliver Easter Eggs to 36 families… almost 90 kids this year! Thank you to our delivery team for your participation!

Did you know? Students who volunteer at St James events and fundraisers can count their time towards National Honors Society and Jr NHS service hours!

Janet Hilsmier