Confirmation Classes '24-'25

Confirmation is a 2 year program of advanced Christian Education for 7th and 8th grade students with a focus on mentoring your teens and providing them a place to ask questions and discover more about their faith journey. This past year we made a new change to the program by inviting 4 other congregations in Upper Montgomery County to create a Confirmation cohort. We met twice a month and rotated our location each time. (Travel baseball? Meet Travel Church.) It was a very good experience and we look forward to doing this again next year. 

This year classes will be held at St James (Limerick), New Hanover Lutheran (Gilbertsville), St James (Pottstown), St Luke (Gilbertsville).

Confirmation students are encouraged to attend class and worship regularly and participate in a variety of church, community and service projects. Keep an eye out for more information on upcoming youth events including “What Really Matters?”, a new fall overnight retreat at Bear Creek Camp, and some Spring retreats including the Tuscarora Youth Event and Box City.

Save the date: second year confirmands will affirm their baptism on June 1, 2025. For more information, contact Janet Hilsmier. Thanks!

Janet Hilsmier